AML Policy


TV 10 Gano Mazima, is committed to preventing money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. This AML policy outlines our measures to prevent, detect, and report suspicious activities.


This policy applies to all vendors, users, and transactions on our platform.


  • Money Laundering: The process of concealing the source of illicit funds to make them appear legitimate.

  • Terrorist Financing: The provision of financial support to terrorist organizations.

  • Suspicious Activity: Transactions or patterns of transactions that suggest money laundering or terrorist financing.

Customer Due Diligence

  • Verify user identities and vendor profiles

  • Monitor transactions for suspicious activity

  • Report suspicious activity to the relevant authorities

Transaction Monitoring

  • Monitor transactions in real-time

  • Investigate flagged transactions


  • Report suspicious activity

  • Provide requested information to regulatory bodies

Record Keeping

  • Maintain records of transactions and user/vendor information

  • Store records


  • Provide regular AML training to staff

  • Ensure staff understand this policy and related regulations


  • Regularly review and update this policy

  • Ensure all vendors and users comply with this policy


  • Suspend or terminate accounts that violate this policy

  • Cooperate with regulatory bodies in investigations and enforcement actions

By implementing this AML policy, we aim to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing on our platform.